Ter herinnering aan Private John Lafferty

1909 - 11 december 1944


Deze webpagina is gemaakt ter herinnering aan soldaat John Lafferty 1911 - 11 december 1944. John is begraven op het militaire ereveld te Groesbeek. Om deze webpagina mogelijk te maken heb ik de medewerking daarbij gekregen van steve oudshoorn zonder hem had ik deze pagina niet kunnen realiseren. Verder heb ik de bronnen verkregen van Carl Hannon ook namens hem hartelijk dank voor zijn medewerking.

Michel Janssen webmaster van Groesbeek het dorp der verrassingen http://geschiedenisgroesbeek.nl

This page is made for reminding John Lafferty 1911 - 11 december.  John have been buried on the military ereveld at Groesbeek. Many thanks too Steve oudshoorn and Carl Hannon, Carl has give me some photographs and other things too made this page of John Lafferty.


click on a photograph for an enlarging of it




Click on the letter to read more.
Patrick Lafferty, father of John Lafferty. Letter from John, who guided my hand in this letter. Photo of John Lafferty's parents


John Lafferty werd geboren op Prins Edward Eilanden in Canada. Hij trouwde met Helen Catherine Lafferty. John verhuisde naar St John , Nieuw Brunswick. John was een metselaar van beroep dit was voordat hij in maart 1943 lid werd van het North Shore NB regiment. Een maand later werd hij uitgezonden met het North Shore regiment naar Engeland. John werd sappeur/ingenieur bij het Koninklijke Regiment van Canada. John werd tijdens het ontruimen van mijnen in het gebied Cuijk/Mook gedood dit was op 11 december 1944.

John Lafferty was born on Prince Edward Island, Canada. He married Helen Catherine Lafferty and moved to from St. John, New Brunswick. He was a bricklayer before he joined the North Shore N.B. regiment in March 1943. A month later he was sent to England.At some point he became an engineer/sapper with the Royal Regiment of Canada. He saw combat with the Regiment in Belgium and The Netherlands and was killed in The Netherlands while clearing mines in the Cuijk/Mook area.


Hier ziet u John Lafferty met zijn broers Vernatius en Emanual

John Lafferty with his brothers Vernatius and Emanual.


In Memory of:

 Private JOHN LAFFERTY, Royal Regiment of Canada, R.C.I.C., who died age 35 on Monday, 11th December 1944. Private LAFFERTY was the son of Patrick Francis and Priscilla (Dowling) Lafferty of Prince Edward Island; husband of Helen Catherine Lafferty, of Saint John, New Brunswick. Awarded The France and Germany Star. Remembered with honour at the GROESBEEK CANADIAN WAR CEMETERY, Gelderland, Netherlands. "On the Memorial in the Canadian War Cemetery at Groesbeek are inscribed the following words: Pro amicis mortui amicis vivimus, We live in the hearts of friends for whom we died."

You can contacted with Joyce Lafferty Holms

I am pleased to celebrate the valour and courage of my Uncle, John Lafferty, native of Prince Edward Island, during the Second World War. It is my understanding that John gave his life to save others by assisting in the locating of landmines for dismantlement, which were buried, by retreating Nazis, close to the German frontier.

Joyce Lafferty Holmans


Albert Bereke from Belgium laying flowers by proxy from John's nieces Ann Hannon and Joyce Holmans.May 2002. John's eldest sister Ann. Two other sisters, Tersa and Mary, had both died before age of three. John's nephew and two neices. Richard, Ann, Teresa Bragel


Onderstaand artikel stond destijds in een locale krant, waarschijnlijk waar John Lafferty toen woonde.

Died of Wounds - Pte. John Lafferty, who died as a result of wounds received while in action of the western front, according word received in Saint John, N.B. by his wife, Mrs. Katherine lafferty, 151 Union Street, was a son of Patrick Lafferty, Peakes Station P.EI. and the late Mrs. Lafferty. Private Lafferty enlisted with the Nort Shore. N.B. Reiment in March, 1943. After taking his training in Canada, he proceedes overseas in April of that year and afterwards was engaged in the fighting in Belgium. In addition to his wife in Saint John, and his father, he leaves two brothers Emaanuel and Nantie, both of Halifax, N.S., and one sister mrs George Bragel, Roxbury, Mass.

This obituary appeared in a local newspaper

An very interessting link/Een zeer interessante link

Allied WW2 Cansual Ties Remebered


Op de onderstaande foto ziet u pvt soldaat John Lafferty geknield met een andere onbekende soldaat. 

Here can you see Pvt. Lafferty the soldier the is kneeling on your left side


Alle foto's en teksten zijn afkomstig van Mr. Carl Hannon

Alle photographs and text are copyright by Carl Hannon